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작성자 사진khee PRM


CES 2024では、自社開発のロール式デジタルLEDバリケードをはじめとする革新的な製品を展示し、グローバルパートナーとの協業の機会を探りました。

  1. デジタルLEDバリケード

    CES 2024で注目され、AP通信にも取り上げられたデジタルLEDバリケードをご紹介いたします。ぜひご確認ください。

  2. キネティックディスプレイ


    Kinetic display : video

  3. エスカレーター&動く歩道サイネージ

    最後に、CES 2024で展示した「エスカレーターサイネージ」の実演動画をご紹介いたします。このデモは昨年、グローバルエスカレーターメーカーの日本本社で実施されました。

At CES 2024, we showcased our self-developed rollable digital LED barricade along with other innovative products, aiming to connect with global partners for potential collaboration.

  1. Digital LED Barricade

    We are excited to introduce our Digital LED Barricade, which was highlighted at CES 2024 and featured in AP News.You can view it starting at 1 minute and 10 seconds into the video. We invite you to take a moment to review it.

  2. Kinetic Display

    At the show, PRM also presented the concept of a kinetic display designed for autonomous vehicles.This innovative display allows the steering wheel to retract behind the screen in autonomous mode and reappear when manual driving is desired.While the current model was manually operated to demonstrate the concept, it is capable of fully automated operation.Please review the video via the link below.

    Kinetic display : video

  3. Escalator & Moving Walk SignageLastly, we are pleased to share a demo video of our "Escalator Signage" showcased at CES 2024.The demonstration was conducted at the Japanese headquarters of a global escalator manufacturer in Japan last year.

조회수 7회댓글 0개

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